A framework is nothing but a collection of modules that makes the development process easier and faster. Django is also a framework, a Python-based, free and open-source web framework that follows Model-Template-View (MTV) architectural pattern.
At first, it might seem difficult to determine which framework you should use for your project to successfully bring it to life. It all comes down to your needs and requirements, though.
Here are some specific factors and conditions that determine why to choose Django over other frameworks-
Now, this is a very interesting fact because it was first created for the purpose of web development for a newspaper publisher. But now, we can use Django in various multiple areas like-
Django apps are structured so that there is a separation of logic. It supports the Model-Template-View (MTV) architectural pattern on which most of the web frameworks are built. The basic principle is that in each application there are three separate files that handle the three main pieces of logic separately.
1- Create Project Command
django-admin startproject [projectname]
2- Project Structure
[projectname]/ - project root
├── [projectname]/ - Django root
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── settings.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
└── manage.py
The file contains the code for starting the server, migrating and controlling the project through command-line.
_ init _.py
The _ init _.py file is empty and it exists in the project for the sole purpose of telling the python interpreter that this directory is a package. That’s one of the standard rules of python packages.
The settings.py is the main file where we will be adding all our applications and middleware applications. As the name suggests this is the main settings file of the Django project. This file contains the installed applications and middleware information which are installed on this Django project.
urls.py file contains the project level URL information. URL is a universal resource locator and it provides you with the address of the resource (images, webpages, and web-applications) and other resources for your website.
This is a special feature of Django due to which it has edge over others. SEO is Search Engine Optimization that means to optimize your website in order to improve its ranking on search engines. As we know that the search engines do use some algorithms which sometimes don’t cooperate much with the web-developer.
Since we are creating our website in the human-understandable form and they have to add it in the URL form on the server so that it’s best recognized by the search engine. Django clears that concept by maintaining the website through URLs rather than the IP addresses on the server, which makes it easy for SEO engineers to add the website to the server while the web-developer doesn’t have to convert the URL into some numeric code.
That’s the gist of it although it’s not the whole and complete process but for our purpose it’s sufficient.
Scalability means that at what scope or level, our technology gets to implement. For bigger websites like Instagram, having millions of active users, they generate data in huge amounts (terabytes of data/day). This kind of level requires our system or application to be very precise and error-free.
Django is super secure. It is so because it covers the loopholes by-default which were once left open for the backend developer to complete. It has one of the best out-of-the-box security systems that help developers to avoid common security issues, including
Django is a great framework that handles large volumes of content (e.g., media files), heavy traffic, and deals with complex data, functions or technology like machine learning. It is also useful to scale your project to a much higher level. Do follow us for more similar Tech Blogs.