
Everything You Need to Know About Ember.js

ByPayal Mittal
November 27th . 5 min read
Everything You Need to Know About Ember.js

Presently, JavaScript is one of the most prominent technologies in the IT & Software world. Over the course of a decade, we have seen many JS frameworks emerge and go, although the potent ones stayed.

While there are the most popular ones like React.js, Vue.js, or Angular, there are those second most popular ones like Ember.js, Node.js, Svelte, Preact, Gatsby, Next.js, and more.

Who would not go skeptical with so many options?? The result is, the greenie developers end up following their ancestor’s decision and choosing the most popular ones.

An obvious but wise choice, indeed.

On the other hand, the experienced developers decide to try new ones. In this blog, we will get to understand the core concepts of the oldest JS framework- Ember.js. Recently, the team Ember released another version of it- v3.3.

Although, there will be modifications and new additions with each version, the basic core concepts remain the same. So, here we go-

Overview about Ember.js

First introduced in December 2011 by Yehuda Katz, Ember is an open-source, productive, JavaScript web framework and is known to be the best choice for ‘ambitious developers’.

In the words by Team Ember, quoted as-

“Ember.js is a productive, battle-tested JavaScript framework for building modern web applications. It includes everything you need to build rich UIs that work on any device.”

Ember follows MVVM (Model-View-Viewmodel) model architecture and is best suited to build complex, large-scale, single or multi-page client-side applications.

Without having been backed by those popular and giant-sized companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Google, it is plausible of it to catch up with the frameworks like React.js so fast and secure 4th place among the most-popular JavaScript front-end frameworks in 2020.

Though, React and Angular own the front-end development department, Ember is not too far to reach there. It has everything one can ask for building an application and much more.

It embraces new additives without discarding the old features. Mostly like A battery that will never run out of energy despite adding additional load.

Maybe that was a terrible way to put it like that but you got my point, right?

The Ember CLI is another marvel that provides code generators that generate whole new entities and put them in the right place.

It follows two principles, i.e. Convention over Configuration (CoC) and Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). The first one implies that it is highly opinionated and the second one means that it avoids repeating the software patterns.

There are many other reasons why many developers like to work with Ember-

  • Built-in devop environment
  • Perfect Routing Solutions
  • Convention-over-Configuration Approach
  • Fully-featured data access library (Ember Data)
  • Faster rebuild
  • High-performance and faster rendering (due to Gimmer rendering engine)
  • Easy upgrades (in every 6 week cycle)
  • Backward compatibility
  • Fully-featured modern test runner
  • Tight-knit community
  • Rich Ember Ecosystem

Many master companies like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Netflix, Heroku, Intercom, etc. are currently using it. Let’s see how to install it-

Getting Started with Ember.js

In order to get started with Ember.js, there are certain requirements you must meet first-

  • Node.js latest LTS version installed
  • Npm/yarn v5.2 or higher (you can download it via Git installer)
  • Working knowledge of JavaScript Framework


You can install Ember through npm by this simple command-

npm install -g ember-cli

To check whether the installation completed successfully, pull the command-

ember -v

You can go ahead if you are shown any version there. Now, to create a new application, you need to hit this command-

ember new ember-quickstart

It will create a directory ember-quickstart and setup a new application with all default files and dependencies.

Basic Flow & Core Concepts of Ember

The basic workflow of Ember is depicted in the image below-



Each application states, in Ember, is represented by URLs. Once the URLs are set, the Ember router maps them to a specific Route, the Route Handler, which then renders a template and loads a model.


Templates are how Ember organizes the HTML layout in the application. It uses the syntax of Handlebar templates.


Models are objects defining behavior and properties of application data you want to show the user as per what problem your application is trying to solve. They represent persistent states and persist the information to web servers. Different applications have different models (of course!), as they have different purposes.


Ember components take care of how the UI acts. The components consist of two main parts- a JS component file defining behavior and a Handlebar template defining markup of the user interface.


Hooks in Ember are methods that are called automatically without having to call them specifically in the application. For example, whenever a component renders, the willRender() hook automatically gets called.


The addons are third-party plugins that extend the functionalities of Ember. While Ember CLI, obviously, is a great asset and provides an easy way for npm packages, these addons offer flexibility and functionalities way beyond than a conventional npm package might provide.

Ember Observer

Observers, well, observe various properties. This particular tool assesses the quality of dependencies and chooses the best packages for your project. You’ll never again have to wonder about the maintenance of the dependencies.

Observers stay initially in synchronization with Ember and as soon as any property changes, they observe this change immediately and fire. Also, they fire multiple time when observe multiple changes.

Ember Inspector

The Ember Inspector is a browser addon that helps you inspect your applications and debug them. You can easily download it from any browser like Chrome, Firefox, etc.

Ember CLI

Ember CLI creates and manages Ember projects. Its part in Ember can be described by the following functionalities-

  • Application Asset Management
  • Provides a conventional project layout
  • ES6 support
  • Generation of classes, components, routes, etc.
  • QUnit test harness
  • Support and use Addons As you see we’ve discussed only the basic things about Ember.js, you can get more details here.

Parting Words

Ember is not a very flexible framework as it was created to build fully-fledged large scale applications. Considering the huge size and complexity of Ember.js, it is impressive how well it fares among the lightweight and highly responsive frameworks.

When we compare the performance graph of Ember with others, it is surprising that it is not far behind from React.js.

If you are looking for something conventional and permanent, Ember is the right choice. You should go for it!!!

Well, I hope you liked this blog.

Thanks for reading!! Stay connected with us for future posts.
