
Say NO to Common Troubleshooting Myths

Debunking Troubleshooting Myths

December 11th . 5 min read
Troubleshooting Myths

Troubleshooting involves examining and correcting problems with a computer system using a systematic approach. Essentially, it is the process of fixing problems so that a machine or product can continue functioning smoothly.

In simple words, troubleshooting aims at finding out why something is not functioning as intended. At the same time, it provides a solution to specific problems.

Every company, irrespective of size, relies heavily on technology to function seamlessly. However, companies must also be familiar with common troubleshooting tricks to troubleshoot common technology-related problems.

A high-performance troubleshooting process makes life easier for everyone. However, several false and destructive myths prevent organisations from adopting high-performance troubleshooting methods. The article explains each myth in detail to clear up all your misconceptions.

Some Common Misconceptions in Troubleshooting


Now let’s look at some of the myths surrounding troubleshooting:

❌ Troubleshooting requires a skilled professional familiar with the system

This is the most common myth that drives companies to hire technical specialists without considering their knowledge of troubleshooting processes and mindset.

Troubleshooting requires more than technical expertise. Companies must understand that an individual’s technical skills do not guarantee their mindset for troubleshooting.

The key to troubleshooting a machine or system is to understand the device, perform the necessary tests, and use a relevant troubleshooting method.

Additionally, with well-written troubleshooting documentation, even a novice can identify the problem’s root cause without prior troubleshooting knowledge.

❌ Troubleshooting depends on the machine that needs to be fixed

This is yet another absurd myth. A single organisation may have different devices and systems. Troubleshooting is, however, the same across all platforms.

If you apply a logical and analytical approach, you can quickly fix any machine or system.

❌ Either you can troubleshoot or you can’t

Many people believe that either a person can troubleshoot or they cannot. This is yet another ridiculous myth. A person’s abilities can either improve with practice or deteriorate due to insufficient practice.

On the other hand, some people think they can troubleshoot every machine or system since they do it regularly. This is another wrong assumption.

❌ Troubleshooters are born, not made

Many people believe that troubleshooters are not taught or coached on troubleshooting. This is another myth, as troubleshooting involves logical procedures and analytical skills.

Troubleshooting requires a combination of attitude, resilience, and a purposeful mindset, which can be easily taught and mastered. If a person has the willingness to learn, they will be able to master any skill.

One could say, for example, that the world’s fastest bowler was born with the talent of bowling; hence he holds the record.

Nevertheless, those who say such things must remember that this record has been achieved only through regular practice, coaching, and a focus on doing his best. He became the fastest bowler with his determination and mindset to move forward and fix the problems.

Similarly, A person’s ability to troubleshoot becomes more refined over time. The more problems you solve, the more experience you gain in troubleshooting.

However, to run a company, you don’t need an expert troubleshooter who has won several competitions. People with the right attitude and the ability to think clearly and logically about an issue are all required.

❌Troubleshooting skills are not as necessary as technical/soft skills

A good understanding of troubleshooting is essential for tackling a crisis. For instance, customers who are irritable and demanding will not empathise and see an overloaded system failure as a severe disadvantage to the entire organisation.

Consequently, failure to troubleshoot problems may tarnish your company’s reputation, besides driving customers away. Therefore, to prevent costly downtimes and revenue loss, every business owner must train their employees on troubleshooting techniques.

❌ You must discard faulty systems instead of troubleshooting

This myth can cost businesses great money and time. For instance, if a computer starts malfunctioning, some companies may consider replacing it with expensive systems without analysing the reason behind the glitch.

When a troubleshooting expert analyses the cause of the problem, they will find the root cause and reach a logical conclusion to save money.

These are some of the common troubleshooting myths that often prevent businesses from implementing high-quality troubleshooting practices. In addition, here are a few tips that can help debunk the myths.

Tips to know while troubleshooting-

To understand troubleshooting myths, everyone must keep the following things in mind:

  • The key to troubleshooting isn’t necessarily knowing a lot but using that knowledge correctly to solve problems.
  • It would help if you didn’t fix a problem immediately. A thorough understanding of all the possible causes of the technical glitch will help eliminate the least probable and narrow the list of possibilities.
  • When you describe symptoms correctly, re-creating them in a training environment will help you fix the issue at hand without wasting time on irrelevant issues.
  • To keep regular troubleshooting to a minimum, You should implement a thorough quality and maintenance schedule. Additionally, it shows your internal and external customers that you value your work. Simultaneously, you can achieve significant savings by keeping maintenance to a high standard.
  • For troubleshooting to be effective, careful attention to details and processes not only resolves the issue but prevents it from recurring.

Steps Required for Troubleshooting


Now that you know about the myths surrounding troubleshooting let’s shed light on the steps required for thorough troubleshooting:

  • Identifying the specific problem: When determining the problem, you must try to obtain as much information as possible from the system and your customers.
  • Developing a probable cause theory: It would help if you listed the most common reasons for the error when finding the probable cause. Try considering the obvious issues before moving on to more complex ones, even if the customer thinks there is a significant issue.
  • Finding the cause by testing the theory: The best way to figure out what caused the problem is to try all your possible causes one at a time, starting with the easiest and quickest.
  • Creating an action plan for resolving the issue: For instance, after identifying the cause of the glitch, you must chalk out an action plan for resolving the problem and implementing the solution. If a quick procedure corrects the problem, verify the system’s full functionality and, if necessary, implement preventive measures. On the contrary, if a quick approach fails to solve the problem, research the issue further to determine what caused it.
  • Implementing preventive measures: (if necessary) after verifying the full functionality of the system. Try rebooting the computer and making sure multiple apps are functioning properly. Also, verify the internet connection and ensure the system sends no error messages.
  • Ensuring that all findings, actions, and outcomes are documented: You must provide a written and verbal explanation of the problem and the solution to the customer. Also, it is advisable to share the documents with your customer/customers.

Wrapping Up!

You must be able to solve technical problems quickly if you want your business to succeed. In simple words, the performance of your brand depends on how well you troubleshoot issues.

Thus, it is imperative to eliminate troubleshooting myths to gain a competitive edge and enhance customer satisfaction. A company’s approach to troubleshooting must be creative, and that’s all it needs to remember.
